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Dedicated to settlement of family disputes with dignity and integrity.

Collaboration is working with each other to achieve shared goals.  Collaboration means operating as a team to arrive at mutually agreeable outcomes.  Collaboration assures that the needs and interests of both sides of family disputes are respected and preserved.

Collaborative Practice” also known as “Collaborative Law” is a voluntary dispute resolution process in which parties settle their differences without resorting to litigation.  Collaboration is recognized worldwide as an effective and very successful alternative for couples preferring to resolve issues of separation and divorce without adversarial, prolonged, and unpredictable results in court.  Troubleshooting and problem solving are the ideals of the Collaborative Process, instead of fighting for the sake of winning:  which are all too common reactions whenever relationships are challenged.

Process + Method

The Collaborative Law process assures spouses and family members that conflicts over separation, divorce and other issues involving finances, children and relationships will be addressed, managed and resolved with privacy and integrity.



The CNYCFLP is an unaffiliated practice group of separate family law attorneys, financial experts, and mental health practitioners having a common interest in helping clients navigate the decision making and challenges of family dispute resolution.  Explore the wide variety of talented and trained local professionals dedicated to keeping you out of court.


Join Us

As Collaboration continues to expand throughout Central New York as a respectful option to settle family-related issues, attorneys, CPAs and mental health counselors are welcomed to learn more about Collaborative Practice and the requirements for membership in our successful organization.